What is a Good Number for Organic Traffic?
Ask any marketer or business owner what their top wish in life is and they’re likely to say: more customers! Increasing website traffic is one of the key metrics of marketing success.
Long hours and energy are spent optimizing content to drive organic search traffic, but how does this translate to leads and sales?
1. Conversion Rate
Organic visitors are those that come directly through natural search results on search engines like Google and are distinguishable from paid traffic, which occurs when users click on paid results (Adwords/PPC).
Organic traffic may not have the same high conversion rate as paid traffic, but it still brings great benefits to your business. Organic search allows you to reach potential customers who are actively searching for your products and services; moreover, organic traffic helps build trust with customers unlike direct advertising could.
Your ultimate aim should be to generate buyer-targeted organic traffic that converts into leads and sales, and one effective way to do this is through producing compelling content that addresses what your customers are asking online. Keyword research, competitive analysis, and providing content your audience wants to share may all play a part.
Average conversion rates of organic search traffic vary significantly by industry, with professional services and finance sectors generally having higher conversion rates while B2B tech and eCommerce businesses typically having the lowest. Understanding benchmarks within your own sector allows you to compare results against industry norms more effectively.
To maximize organic search traffic, the first step in increasing it should be optimizing your site for SEO. This includes producing keyword-rich content with long-tail keywords and implementing sitewide and page-specific SEO measures. Furthermore, regular monitoring and adjustment of your strategy is necessary in order to maintain healthy levels.
If your organic traffic doesn’t improve after making changes, investing in a PPC campaign might be necessary to compete with the top players in your industry. Doing this will increase visibility as search engine results pages appear, which increases chances of conversion into leads or sales.
An effective approach is to combine organic and paid traffic strategies in order to optimize conversion rate. You can achieve this by investing in professional SEO agency services as well as allocating time for internal content creation and marketing efforts.
2. Average Time on Site
This metric tracks the average length of time visitors spend on your website or blog, typically measured through Google Analytics or similar services. While visitor dwell time can provide valuable insight into user engagement on your site, it shouldn’t be seen as the sole factor contributing to user experience.
Your ideal goal should be for users to stay on your website as long as possible – this shows they find its content appealing and worthwhile – however the length of time considered appropriate depends on a variety of factors such as its type, its content and topic area.
Google Analytics uses timestamps to measure this metric; each time someone clicks a link on your site will trigger Google Analytics to record it as an event and calculate total time spent per post or page by dividing all timestamps by unique session counts.
In order to increase average time on site, your pages and posts must have easy navigation, are formatted in such a way as to be easily skimmed and read, provide useful internal links throughout, are engaging enough for users, and include helpful internal links throughout. Engaging enough can mean using informative titles, creating tables of contents at either the start or end of an article and including related articles in a sidebar; additionally including keywords within titles, first paragraphs, meta descriptions as well as titles themselves is key in driving user retention.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the best ways to increase organic traffic to your site, by creating high-quality content that offers value to users, conducting keyword research, optimizing website and blog posts for SEO purposes, and building backlinks to increase domain authority – this will ultimately rank your site higher in search engines and drive additional organic visitors.
Organic traffic can be great as it does not require financial investment and has the potential to yield high conversion rates if your website ranks on Google search results page one. But remember, growing organic traffic won’t necessarily translate to increased leads or revenue unless your website is optimized to convert.
3. Pages Per Visit
Pages per session is an easily calculated way of gauging how engaged visitors are with your website. It demonstrates how many pages a person views per visit, whether on their laptop or mobile phone, as well as helping you understand how often a visitor comes back for repeat visits and showing that people are staying longer than just passing by your page.
High page views per session is often an indicator that users are interested in exploring more of your content than what initially caught their eye when visiting your website. This indicates that searchers find your material appealing.
Optimization for long-tail keywords can help increase page views per session by targeting these specific searches, which often consist of four or more words and are specific to your product, service, or industry. Producing high quality and informative articles about these subjects will not only attract organic traffic but will also allow your content to reach more of its targeted target market and help boost SEO rankings.
Other tactics that can help increase pages per session include providing an intuitive navigational structure, using keywords in meta titles and descriptions, as well as including relevant links within content. But above all else, visitors must experience great service at your website to encourage them to click around further and explore your site further.
Though it can be tempting to focus solely on increasing website traffic, this strategy often ends up as nothing but vanity metrics with no actual value. A higher-than-average visit count can quickly become misleading when bots or social media users who don’t care about your content visit your site in large numbers. The only effective way to grow your traffic effectively is to build an audience who align with your digital business goals and cultivate it from there.
4. Social Media Engagement
Social media engagement is an invaluable measure of organic traffic; it measures the number of people who engage with your content by liking, sharing or commenting. Engaging users through this means is an effective way to generate buzz for products or services while driving website visits.
Attracting more social media engagement requires producing high-quality, appealing and captivating content that resonates with your target audience – this could include blogs, videos or infographics. When measuring engagement on social media it’s also important to avoid fake or spammy followers that could potentially damage the brand image of your business.
Assembling content that incorporates keywords is one of the best ways to increase organic search traffic. But it’s important to keep in mind that not all keywords possess equal potential when it comes to driving organic search traffic; long-tail keywords often have lower monthly search volume but may be more targeted and less competitive than their broad, highly-competitive counterparts, so a content strategy should prioritize long-tail keyword targeting for maximum effectiveness.
Your brand can increase organic traffic by producing content that addresses frequently asked questions related to its product or service, such as FAQ pages, help centers or glossaries. By doing this, it will also establish authority for your industry while drawing in organic search traffic when people search for specific information or assistance online.
Organic search traffic has long been an invaluable asset to businesses, according to research from BrightEdge. A report showed that organic search drove 53% of traffic for B2B websites in May 2019 and contributed 72% of revenue – even surpassing other sources like paid and social traffic!
Although it can be tempting to focus on the number of organic visitors your website receives, it’s essential that you remember high-quality, buyer-targeted traffic will drive conversions and provide metrics for measuring success of campaigns or business goals. To do this, refer back to your campaign or business goals and select KPIs which provide an accurate portrayal of success.