What Do You Mean by Web Traffic?

In this article I’ll briefly touch upon the various ways you can monitor your web traffic. From Google Analytics to Packet sniffing, Email newsletters, and Google AdWords, there is a tool for you. Regardless of how you use it, the data will help you understand your audience. By understanding your audience, you can better target your content and increase traffic from particular segments. For example, if you focus on children’s content, you can optimize it to be more appealing to children. [...] 

What Does Web Traffic Mean?

does web traffic mean

What does web traffic mean? Generally speaking, the more traffic you have on your website, the better. The most common way visitors access a site is by clicking on a link in an email. But what does it mean when a visitor doesn’t have a referrer? There are four types of traffic: Organic, Paid, Direct, and Referral. If you are unsure of what each type of traffic means, here are a few ways to determine how much you should be spending on marketing. [...]