What is an Example of a Link?
Digital writing requires links – clickable words or images that direct readers to another resource – in order to support claims, connect ideas and demonstrate knowledge on a given topic. Writers use them strategically as ways to substantiate claims or demonstrate expertise on a topic.
Target of hyperlinks are defined using the href attribute, with their titles revealed when users hover their mouse cursor over the link text.
Text Link
Text links (sometimes known as hyperlinks) are pieces of text on websites which, when clicked upon, take users to another web page. They typically stand out from other text on pages by being underlined and set with different font colors (blue for unvisited links and purple for visited links) so as to distinguish themselves as links and highlight their importance within text copy – this text containing links is known as link text.
A hyperlink is a special piece of computer code, typically an HTML element a>, that includes an href attribute with its address as its target URL address. When users move their mouse cursor over this link, its presence is indicated by an altered appearance of their mouse arrow – typically turning into a hand motif.
Hyperlinks are a key element of the Internet’s hypertext system, linking documents together. Users can quickly move from topic to topic through them – effectively creating their own trail of data they step on as they go along.
Many website users, particularly those with disabilities or impairments, rely heavily on links for navigation and understanding the content on a page. Therefore, links should be clearly labeled in order to make them easy for visitors to understand even when not in their default “focus state,” when the mouse cursor hovers over it.
Link labelling is especially crucial on websites with numerous links or those where the links appear within a sentence, as having multiple competing for reader’s attention can slow reading progress and create cognitive load. Links should be dispersed evenly over space so they do not interfere with one another too closely.
To easily identify links, it is advisable to use short phrases or individual words as link text rather than full sentences or paragraphs. It may also be beneficial to include the full title of your destination page within this text as this gives visitors an indication of what to expect on that next page.
Image Link
Image links are links that connect directly to images online, making them ideal for websites without much text to provide links, as well as visitors who prefer visual learning over text. Most web development programs make adding this type of link relatively straightforward.
When an image is linked to a webpage, its browser downloads it from its server and inserts it directly into the web page using the img> HTML tag. You can add additional attributes, including alt text (which provides a description of what the image depicts if loading fails due to slow connection speed or an issue in its src attribute) using this tag as well.
The src attribute specifies the location where images should be located. It can either contain one URL, or point out multiple ones (known as image maps) which define where each of your images can be found. When using image maps, be sure they all point in one direction so visitors can find what they are searching for easily.
Image links can be an effective means of improving accessibility by giving users an intuitive way to obtain additional information from a web page. This feature can be especially beneficial to mobile users, who often interact with sites by tapping images or pieces of text on mobile screens.
However, it should be noted that overusing image links can slow down a site and become counter-productive for users. Too many links on one page can easily overwhelm readers, leading them away from engaging with its content and losing interest altogether. Text-based backups for image links provide another browsing method and help protect against accidentally clicking a link unintentionally while meeting accessibility standards for visually impaired visitors.
Bookmark Link
Bookmark links (also known as HTML anchors) are hyperlinks designed to open directly to a particular point on a website page. For instance, if your article includes several product features that you would like your customers to learn first about, bookmark links can help users quickly scroll to that section without scrolling all the way down the page themselves. These can also help your visitors quickly locate information they may be seeking faster! Bookmark links can be particularly beneficial on pages with lengthy content that requires visitors to scroll all the way down before being shown anything new – bookmark links open directly there and quickly navigate them straight down! Bookmark links can also help users quickly navigate directly down through long web pages quickly while quickly reaching the bottom.
Text you select as bookmark link is used as its name; when users hover their cursor over this text, a screen tip may appear with more information to remind them where they are in your website. Please be aware that each page can only have one bookmark link.
Once a bookmark link has been created, a Dashboard message bar notifies users that “A Bookmark Link suitable for saving or sharing has been created for this page.” To take advantage of it, they can copy the URL displayed and enter it directly into their browser’s address line to view identical page content.
By clicking the gray “Share” button above your bookmark, you can also create a live link that looks just like any regular hyperlink and can be used by anyone online — including people without Keep&Share accounts! However, these links will only function properly if your Bookmark has been publicly shared.
Email Link
Email links allow visitors to your site to connect with you more quickly by simply clicking their mouse button, making it easier for you to address any inquiries or comments from site visitors and driving more traffic and sales. They can be integrated into web pages, blogs or newsletters as well as emails sent directly to customers.
To create an email link, highlight the text you would like hyperlinked and click the chain-link icon from the toolbar. From the drop-down, choose “Email” and enter an email address where contacts should send their messages before clicking OK to insert the email link into your selected text. Optionally add additional description by writing it into Description field.
Utilizing an email link is crucial for SEO purposes, as it can drive more visitors to your website or blog and build relationships with customers. But keep in mind that placing email addresses online could expose customers’ emails to spamming attacks and could expose your customers’ email addresses to hackers.
Mailto links are hyperlinks that instantly open your default email client and insert your specified recipient(s) in the To: field, along with pre-composed message fields like subject, CC or BCC addresses. Just remember to add a question mark after each address, and separate additional recipients with commas separating each.
As email links may be the fastest and simplest way for readers to reach you, adding web forms may also provide more information and make sorting submissions simpler – plus they protect against spammers!