How Fast Does a Website Grow?

Social Media

Social media refers to any activity using technology-enabled platforms that enables people to communicate and share information through virtual communities or networks, including social media sites, blogs, gaming services like World of Warcraft (WoW), video streaming sites like Vimeo (Vimeo), virtual worlds or business networks – including messaging apps like Tencent’s (TCEHY -3.93%) WeChat or WhatsApp which allow users to connect with wide groups of friends or extended family. [...] 

What is a Good Number of Pageviews For a Website?

What is a good number of pageviews for a website

Pageviews can serve as an important indicator of visitor engagement with a website, showing visitors are engaging with its content and viewing more pages than expected. Google Analytics defines Unique Pageviews as those generated from one user within one session and should not be confused with it. [...]